Policies & FAQ
How do I know if SSDS is open, closed or delayed?

SSDS follows the Montgomery County Public School (MCPS) calendar for most holidays & professional work days + all inclement weather days. We will always communicate scheduled days off ahead of time to give families enough time to plan for alternate child care if necessary. Link to our school calendar here.

When MCPS opens one hour late, SSDS will also open one hour late; two hours late, SSDS will open two hours late. Early Bird will still be available but delayed accordingly.

When MCPS announces an early closure, SSDS will monitor the situation and make a decision separate from MCPS on a case-by-case basis. Add-on afternoon programs will be cancelled for the afternoon if SSDS closes early.

While SSDS follows MCPS’ decisions on closures and delays, SSDS will not make up days missed due to inclement weather.  Announcements regarding closures/delays will be sent in a school-wide text and email.

All policies and frequently asked questions